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Home Planet Glow Oceans
First Appearance Grouscycle Blues
Orbital Characteristics
Day 23 hrs.
Axis Tilt 1/360th
Size 4/5ths Terra
Year 343 days
Atmosphere Habitable
Gravity 9.977 m/s²
Geography and Climate
Dominant Climate
  • tropical
  • subtropical
Equatorial Temprature 88F
Polar Temprature 75F
Superscript Citation1
Subscript Name1
"It’s a fate worse than death, to be without my hefty songs. You don’t get it! You’re not from the Glow-Oceans, pal!" - Steve1

Steve is a Thriftite and member of the Assistance Impressing, working as a pilot for The Alliance for a team with Sophie Lestari, Beth, Mickey and Robyn. He appears in most Alliance stories and plays a minor role in Werayne.

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  • 2. Other Features
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    • 2.1 Flair




Main Cast

Sophie Abigail Mickey Beth • Steve • Robyn Alexa Jayken Rojjel Jason

By Species

Humans Paladanians Halapatovians Pecayens Other Aliens


  1. Grouscycle Blues