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Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

clodsire render Cover art designed by Taya Bates

Author Katelyn Woods
Setting Various
Narrative Characteristics
POV First Person
Tense Present
Narrative Voices 2
Geography and Climate
Dominant Climate
  • tropical
  • subtropical
Equatorial Temprature 88F
Polar Temprature 75F
Superscript Citation1
Subscript Name1
Sophie and Abigail's wedding is the biggest event of their lives and they want it to be a perfect celebration of their lives surrounded by people they love. But their lives have not been easy, and in spite of their attempts to move on the past is dogging them both. Will they have the strength to confront it?

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• The working title for this novel was simply 'The Wedding Story' which ended up becoming its subtitle.

Do I Dare Disturb The Universe? is a reference to a line from T.S. Elliot's poem, The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock, which was one of the literary inspirations for the novel due to its themes of isolation and connection, and postmodern writing style. Other major literary inspirations include The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. The Time Traveller's Wife in particular is the source of the nonlinear structure of the novel and discrete scenes jumping around the character's timelines and perspectives. Mrs Dalloway is often described as a story that contains 'A woman's life in one day, and in that day her whole life' and much like Do I Dare Disturb The Universe centres on the protagonist throwing an event, with events from the past explored amidst the descriptions of party planning and throwing.



Flauraan Halapatov Werayne • Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? • SOTTOS Others

Main Cast

SophieAbigailMickeyBethSteveRobyn Alexa Jayken Rojjel Jason

By Species

Humans Paladanians Halapatovians Pecayens Other Aliens
