Staarus Wiki


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Home Planet Halapatov
First Appearance Werayne
Orbital Characteristics
Day 23 hrs.
Axis Tilt 1/360th
Size 4/5ths Terra
Year 343 days
Atmosphere Habitable
Gravity 9.977 m/s²
Geography and Climate
Dominant Climate
  • tropical
  • subtropical
Equatorial Temprature 88F
Polar Temprature 75F
Superscript Citation1
Subscript Name1
"Standing slightly in front of him and surveying us back with narrowed eyes was who I assumed was Alexa Trobit. She was much smaller than Jayken, though she was average height, her grey skin less pronounced; definitely not a Weraynian. Her gaze however was fierce and her stance protective, which was amusing, considering physically she would be much weaker than him. I understood the sentiment however." - Abigail1

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Main Cast

Sophie Abigail Mickey Beth Steve Robyn • Alexa • Jayken Rojjel Jason

By Species

Humans Paladanians Halapatovians Pecayens Other Aliens


  1. Werayne